the bassline brand workbook

you know you want it

a veritable stadium's worth of prompts, tips, and resources to help you compose a brand identity that resonates.
download your FREE guide.

my gift to you

the bassline brand workbook

a veritable stadium's worth of prompts, tips, and resources to help you compose a brand identity that resonates.
download your FREE guide.

my gift to you

let me guess

spot on

You're so immersed in delivering for clients that your own brand's voice is barely a whisper

let me guess

spot on

Your online presence feels a bit too much like experimental jazz

Your website feels a bit off key and doesn't feel true to your talent or personality

You’re struggling to organize your 865 ideas into a cohesive brand identity

You have no problem envisioning your brand going platinum, but you aren't sure where to start

let's do this

you're the Rae??

yep, that's me

(or Rachel, if you like to keep things formal)

I know a thing or two about what brought you here. I started Raedio Design to invest in myself and build the opportunities and lifestyle I’ve been dreaming of. I'm all about using my UX and branding expertise to empower creative entrepreneurs—helping you shape the vibrant, fulfilling life that you've envisioned. As you work through the bassline brand workbook, I’ll give you the tools to weave your essence into every pixel of your brand, ensuring it attracts, engages, and converts, all while feeling uniquely and utterly “you.”

over the next 5 days, you'll

set the stage with an organized and intentional brand strategy

over the next 5 days, you'll

gimme the goods

put the spotlight on your audience and how exactly you solve their problems 

tune in by clarifying your core values and brand purpose

get on key by defining your brand’s qualities and personality

turn up the bass with brand identity templates and accessibility tools

gimme the goods

I'll be right by your side, popping into your inbox to guide you through the workbook and cheer you on each step of the way. 

Let’s take this bb platinum

gimme the workbook

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